Carriers for Posterity, Installation view, 2022, curated by: Jehra Patrick

It is hard to fathom the amount of people, places, generations and organizations that made it possible to produce this mattress. Each inquiry in the process brought about new people, insightful conversations, learning and teaching moments, as well as friendships. I will not be able to describe them all here and I am not even sure that this is the right platform to do so. When all is said and done, what I wish for you, the visitor in this exhibition to experience, is this object as is, right now in this space, next to your body.
Still, with respect and appreciation to the people, the places, and to the activities that beckoned them to the aid of this endeavor, this word cloud attempts to illustrate the complex network of relations that formed as a result of the desire to make a hand-crafted wool mattress.

Mattress/ ג’ראיה (Jerayah)
Collaborator: Wendy Wustenberg
Project Assistant: Martje Oostra
Leicester sheep’s wool, organic cotton herringbone, synthrapol, soda ash, gallotannin, aluminum acetate mordant, staghorn sumac flowers, iron, madder roots, twin nylon tufting, nylon thread, marino and leicester felt
Projected Supported by:
Windswept Hill Farm, Stove Works, University of Minnesota